
Limited Signed Copy!

Created by Moe Lane

We still have signed copies of FROZEN DREAMS available! Limited number, so get yours today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

06/27/2020 Update, FROZEN DREAMS.
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 02:45:13 PM

There isn't really much in the way of news, this week. The short story sampler have had their first copy-edit pass-through, and over the next couple of days I'll be finishing up reviewing the suggested edits. At this time I'm not planning to release the sampler commercially: I intend to have the entire collection of stories professionally edited and commission a proper cover, and there aren't the funds in the budget for either right now. Please note that this does not represent a setback! But if I'm not going to spend the money, I probably shouldn't charge money, either. At any rate, I'm hoping to have the sampler done before the print books arrive in a bit over a week.

Other than that, I'm just going to repeat what I wrote last time:

Finally, here are Amazon and Goodreads links for honest reviews. I don't know why authors don't explain this more, because it's actually pretty important: the model for independent publishing apparently relies on multiple good reviews. So if you like a book - we'll use mine as a specific case - toss off a rating and a review. Honest ones, in my case.

06/21/2020 Update, FROZEN DREAMS
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 07:06:20 AM

This is a little late, but it was a busy day yesterday. There is news!

  • First off, FROZEN DREAMS is on Amazon (paperback and e-book)! The epub version is on Barnes & Noble, for people who'd prefer that version. This is a lot earlier than I expected, but then the calculations for the publication schedule were based on me getting about $200 out of the  Kickstarter.
  • Speaking of publication: the books have been ordered and will be arriving at my house in a couple of weeks. Then they get signed, lettered, and mailed out. Then THAT part is done and I can focus on the rest of it.

As for the rest of it? 

  • I'm working on the short story sampler: I'm trying to get the stories copy-edited in the next couple of days, see if they're ready to go, then release it to backers as soon as possible. 
  • The audiobook is still in production; we're aiming for a release by the end of June. 
  • On the RPG front: I've gotten character sketches back from the artist! Low-res versions at the bottom of this post.
  • Reminder: if you ordered a sonnet from me, let me know what you want it to be about. I'll be nagging people about this more in June.

Finally, here are Amazon and Goodreads links for honest reviews. I don't know why authors don't explain this more, because it's actually pretty important: the model for independent publishing apparently relies on multiple good reviews. So if you like a book - we'll use mine as a specific case* - toss off a rating and a review. Honest ones, in my case.

So, in short: it was a good, busy week! With more busy weeks to come.

Moe Lane

*Although: if you're spitefully reading this because you hate my guts and want me to fail, surely there's still somebody out there who writes books that you like to read. That author desperately, eagerly, almost despairingly wants you to review those books. Because people don't, and it drives authors crazy.

Here endeth the lesson.

FROZEN DREAMS is now live on Kindle (review request).
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 05:21:27 AM

If people have been asking where to get FROZEN DREAMS, this link should work: Frozen Dreams. And I have a request that's practically outright begging; if you've read the book, please go over to Amazon and give it an honest review. Every little bit helps when it comes to sales.

Yeah. This is a big day.

Update, 06/13/2020.
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 02:40:17 PM

Well, it's been a busy week.

  • Eleven people haven't turned in their surveys yet.  I need those surveys done so I can send you your stuff. Plleeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee give me the ability to give you your stuff.
  • FROZEN DREAMS the Kindle book is up for pre-order on Amazon. It'll be sold for real on Monday. Thanks, by the way.
  • FROZEN DREAMS the paperback is at the stage where I'll be getting a proof copy by Wednesday. Assuming no problems with that, I can tell them to fire up the presses and order all those copies that I'm going to be sending backers. They won't show up right away, and signing/lettering/mailing 'em out will be a fun couple of days, but we are on track! Thanks again, by the way.

That's the major stuff. Other stuff I gotta hear back from people on first.

The Wallpaper and Map Add-on have been distributed digitally.
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 10:12:49 PM

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