
Limited Signed Copy!

Created by Moe Lane

We still have signed copies of FROZEN DREAMS available! Limited number, so get yours today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit is now reviewing the project, which means surveys soon.
almost 4 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2020 at 09:50:34 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Regarding Backerkit Surveys.
about 4 years ago – Sat, May 02, 2020 at 09:41:37 AM

You should expect to see your Backerkit survey around the middle of May.  They recommend a couple of weeks before sending them out, on the reasonable basis that two weeks is enough time for any unexpected problems to show up.  When the surveys do go out, only a small number of people will get the first wave of them, for the same reason.  It's actually a pretty robust system.

Wow. I didn't quite expect that to work.
about 4 years ago – Fri, May 01, 2020 at 09:33:44 AM

Sure, in my head I figured it for a good bet.  The gut had different opinions.  The gut turned out to be wrong.

Thank you all.  Not just for the money, but the support.  I shall strive to be worthy of it.  You'll be getting a next-step-in-the-process update as soon as I'm done navigating through stuff; bunches of things have unlocked now that the Kickstarter's over, and I'll have to chew through them all.  But that's all on me.  And it can wait a bit.


I need a celebratory cup of coffee.   So, if you'll excuse me...

Moe Lane

PS: Thanks again.

An Unexpected Update (and new, likely ultimate, stretch goal).
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 07:48:32 PM

Which is what I thought that the last one was, but possibly it's not.  Anyway, assuming that enough NEW people sign up in the last day, here's the ultimate stretch goal:

  • NEW! $8,000: Adventure pack for the RPG supplement! As it stands, I'm writing one and possibly two adventures for the campaign world anyway: at $8,000 I will write a total of three and publish them separately.  A copy equivalent to the one published on DriveThruRPG (or other site) will be provided to anybody who backs this project at ADVENTURER or above.  This will not be ready in either July or September 2000; I will have to have them playtested, as well as written. I also may bring in another person for this one: I have a small list of talented game writers who might need some extra income.

If we don't hit it, don't worry: I like the idea generally.  I might very well do this on my own anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Again, thanks. You folks are all extremely generous towards what was a very small, experimental Kickstarter.

Audiobook stretch goal reached! (And review of existing stretch goals)
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 07:13:40 PM

We did it!  The audiobook will be funded.  With less than forty hours to go, let me review the stretch goal rewards.  Effectively, backers at the digital book level and above will get these extras:

  • A six-story sampler from the upcoming collection of short stories set in this universe (known as THE FERMI RESOLUTION).  At least one of them will be original to this sampler and the collection.
  • A copy of the FROZEN DREAMS audiobook, functionally equivalent to what gets released on Audible.
  • A copy of the FERMI RESOLUTION general RPG campaign setting, using GUMSHOE rules.

Other relevant stretch goals: a map of Cin City itself was added to the book, and Shaenon Garrity (the artist who made the cover) will get a little something extra.

So, what's next?  Well, that's up to the universe.  We hit $4,000 in the next day, I commit to some serious art in the RPG supplement. We're doing so well now that I think that I can scrape together the personal funds to at least get an original cover piece done, but even internal line art pieces ain't cheap.  And the $6,000 level pretty much funds the short story collection so that it goes out as soon as I finish writing, editing, and polishing up the short stories themselves.  

Past that - look, I'm not going to try to come up with something past that unless I'm forced to, all right?  This was a $200 Kickstarter that I expected to top out at about $500 or so, and I don't believe in courting hubris.  If I wake up tomorrow to discover that we're at $5,500 or something then you can all amuse yourselves by watching me scramble to come up with another last-minute stretch goal.  Fair enough?

Moe Lane

PS: Thank you.